
Win-Win Words offers professional book-publishing services at a time when countless authors are pursuing self-publishing. Credit that to on-demand print technology, the easy availability of personal computers and laptops, and the presence of social media and search engines such as Google. These are great times for publishing wannabes, but there are hazards and obstacles along the way. These can jump up and bite a project when authors push ahead without proper guidance. The first step is realizing those traps are out there. Then it’s knowing where to look for them and, finally, learning how to work through or around them. If writing a book is on your bucket list, let us help you achieve your dream unscathed.



Important to note: Win-Win is not a vanity press. In fact, we are not a publisher. With Win-Win, you keep total control of your book and the publishing rights. You still own the copyright, and you keep ALL your profits. If you hire Win-Win, you pay a flat fee divided out in payments over time, with the fee based on the length and condition of the manuscript.


That’s it. No hidden charges. No forcing authors to pay “discount prices” for copies of their own book. No claims by Win-Win against your future revenues. Plus, Mike Towle is available to answer your questions and address your concerns during the entire process; no getting bounced around on the phone – Mike answers his own phone and his own email.

among the titles self-published by win-win clients:


  • 25 Gifts for Christmas, by Tatiana "Tajci' Cameron
  • From the Girl to the Redefined Woman, by Taylor Cohen
  • Not quite Your Typical Stroke Book!, by Mike Dosemagen
  • Laughing with the Bear, by Richard Sikes
  • What's Next? How to Transition Like a Champion, by Derrick Furlow Jr.
  • Amazing Grace, by Pattye Whyte Richardson
  • Smoke and Mirrors, Crime of the Century, by Kevin Prendiville
  • Confidence B4 Committment, by Kimberly "Brownie" Vaughn
  • The Stress Club, Life Without the Monsters, by Dr. Tami West
  • Brentwood Academy Football: From a Cow Pasture to a Tradition, by Bill Traughber
  • Creating a Productive Selling Zone, by John Boyens
  • Phil and the French Country Inn, by Cree Forman
  • SaveOne: A Guide to Emotional Healing After Abortion, by Sheila Harper
  • The Fast and Funny Times of Wildman R.L. Peyton, by "Hap" Harrison Peyton


As a one-stop boutique, Win-Win Words offers the following publishing services and scenarios for
self-publishing authors:


    • Book Proposal
    • Ghost Writing
    • Literary Agent contacts
    • Editing
  • Proofreading
  • Page Design and Layout
  • ISBN Registration
  • Cover/Jacket Copy
  • Cover/Jacket Design
  • Print Coordination
  • Marketing Guidance



Contact Mike Towle at 615.293.5771 or for pricing.

